Cooked Vegetables Or Raw Vegetables How To Choose To Benefit?

Cooked Vegetables Or Raw Vegetables ? Vegetables are a food group reputed to be healthy food. Because vegetables are rich in beneficial nutrients including dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals.

Scientifically Certain stages of ripening of vegetables may change the amount and structure of nutrients within them. Which changes in nutrients will affect those who eat vegetables. So what will the effect of the change be? You can follow this article.

What happens when vegetables are cooked?

Each dish has many different ingredients and steps at a time to cook. Which cooking elements can affect the nutrients in vegetables From the heat to the ingredients Studies have shown that heat and cooking methods can change the structure and amount of nutrients in vegetables. One of the factors contributing to the decrease in nutrients is water and cooking with water. Especially in boiling Since some nutrients are water-soluble, such as vitamin C and vitamin B group, when cooking vegetables with these nutrients by boiling or water-based, they may reduce the amount of water-soluble vitamins by 50- 60 percent 

While another research indicates Heat cooking may increase the amount of antioxidants or antioxidants in vegetables. Which antioxidants have properties that help slow down the degeneration of cells Anti-inflammatory Helps in matters of skin It also reduces the risk of many chronic diseases.

In addition, one study tested the nutritional changes in tomatoes when heated. 

Over time, the amount of vitamin C in tomatoes, but decreases over time, the greater the dose of lycopene   is a chemical substance greenery. One type of phytochemical and other free radicals in tomatoes were found to be higher. Therefore, it can be seen that cooking with heat can actually affect the change in nutrients. But this study did not identify the types of cooking methods that might produce results differently for each method, such as frying, boiling or baking, and it was also an experiment in tomatoes alone. Therefore, it is not possible to confirm whether the nutrients in other vegetables will change in the same way when heated.

Experts recommend examples of certain vegetables that, when cooked, make them more nutritious, such as asparagus, spinach, tomatoes, carrots, potatoes and legumes.

How does eating fresh vegetables affect the body?

Many people may enjoy eating raw or uncooked vegetables. Because it gives a fresh feeling. It has a different touch from cooked vegetables. And may also contain higher amounts of certain nutrients than cooked vegetables. Especially water-soluble vitamins But consuming. Fresh vegetables has a higher risk of developing infections within the digestive tract than cooked vegetables. Which may come from natural pathogens From manure Or from improper storage.

In addition, fresh vegetables are at risk of being contaminated with pesticides. Exposure to bacteria and chemicals can result in diarrhea, abdominal pain, food poisoning  or intestinal parasites. Including the natural characteristics of some vegetables can be hard and difficult to chew. Excessive consumption of these vegetables can cause digestive function to work harder, causing indigestion or indigestion.

However, experts recommend that some vegetables, if eaten fresh, may be more beneficial, such as broccoli, cabbage, onions, garlic, peppers and beets, but they should be washed properly to reduce the risk of exposure. Germs and chemicals.

In conclusion, are ripe or raw vegetables more useful?

From the above information, it can be seen that the difference between cooked vegetables and fresh vegetables. Therefore, you may be wondering which way you should choose to eat.  
In fact, it may not be necessary to choose either. But both forms of vegetables can be eaten to provide the body with a wide variety of nutrients and complete the following tips.

  1. To cook vegetables Choose to cook by steaming, grilling or stir frying instead of boiling to reduce the amount of nutrients that may be lost by defrosting.
  2. If you want to eat fresh vegetables, they should be washed with clean running water. And use your hand to gently pat vegetables to wash away germs and chemicals easier If vegetables are found to be bruised or have a different appearance Should be cut or removed.
  3. Should be refrigerated within 2 hours after slicing, peeling or cooking.
  4. Vegetables should be kept separate from meat.

Finally, either cooked vegetables or fresh vegetables are all beneficial if eaten properly. And besides vegetables Other healthy foods should be eaten as well to provide the body with complete nutrition.

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