5 types of fruits can protect your skin

5 types of fruits can protect your skin. Now aday The weather in our country is unpredictable during this period, it suddenly gets hot and it suddenly rains like that. But most of them are more hot and the sun is much stronger than in the past. Each time you go out in the sun, you need to apply sunscreen about ten times.

But it does not fail, the skin is damaged, dry and may be sick, many women would probably face this problem quite a bit. Especially girls aged 30+ when it is very sunny Wrinkles are full, so let’s take care of your skin by eating to fight the sun. To be more beautiful and healthy In addition to fanfare with various products Every day. We use food to help nourish the skin from the inside a little, just eat healthy fruits and vegetables. It will make us beautiful from the inside out. What we need to eat is

Eat in the sun with 5 types of fruits and vegetables without fear of damaged skin !!


Its famous for their skin care. Tomatoes are one of the top spots. As we all know to help keep your skin healthy. It is popular to eat together because tomatoes have many vitamins, namely vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, and also contains lycopene. Carotonoid and beta carotene. That help resist the effects of UV rays from the sun Helps to nourish the skin to be moist, bright, not dry, help fight free radicals that help reduce and slow down the aging process.


Watermelon  is a fruit that can be eaten to cool the heat quite well. Because watermelon is the fruit Mai Rit Yen has a lot of water. Able to quench thirst. Watermelon is rich in vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and lycopene, these substances help to retain moisture in the skin. Makes the skin not dry. And also helps to slow down wrinkles Reduce dark spots from pollution, sunlight as well. After knowing this way, going to buy watermelon is a great snack.


This fruit is known to anyone who is constipated or difficult to excrete. Eat papaya and make sure that the digestive system is good. Because it is easy to digest and comfortable to stomach. But in addition to helping with the digestive system, papaya is also good for the skin. Because it contains a lot of antioxidants And also rich in vitamin A. High in vitamin C Therefore contributing to skin care Reduce the roughness Help your skin shine. Stimulates skin cell turnover quite well. It helps to nourish after sun exposure.


Carrot is an orange vegetable. Vegetables are very high in beta-carotene and antioxidants, and also contain a wide variety of vitamins and minerals. And repair skin cells exposed to pollution, sun damage or UV rays And helps to nourish the skin to be healthy and not dry up


Gac is a very useful fruit that is rich in copene, beta-carotene, carotenoids and zeaxanthin. It also contains many vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A, omega-3 fatty acids, omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids. This will help to slow down aging. Prevent the occurrence of aging wrinkles Prevent dry skin problems As well as helping to protect the skin from the sun as well.

Do not forget that these 5 fruits and vegetables, although they are good. From eating to help nourish our skin to be beautiful and healthy then We should also have additional care products, such as protection against sunscreen before leaving the house 15-20 minutes as well. Even if the sun is out, it will always be beautiful .

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