Did you know? whats things in the bedroom affect sleeping

Did you know? whats things in the bedroom affect sleeping? It’s easy to guess what is the best vacation? Because sleep is good for health and work. Therefore the question arises What things should be avoided in our bedroom. To adjust the environment to be the best bedroom Plus there is also a feng shui principle to think about.

Because of that bedroom Is a room that will enhance the luck There are many things, whether they are beliefs or reality. How do we have to arrange the room? Thus making the bedroom the best relaxation room.


First of all, the bedroom should not have a work desk in the room. Because the desk indicates that it is not a fan Or maybe we have work pending I can’t help but want to get the job done. So I can’t sleep, I can’t sleep I open my eyes and wake up to see only work Makes us not able to rest fully and sleep well.


The second thing is television. Although watching television is a rest But turning on the TV is a brain disturbance. Or magnetic waves will infect the brain Causing our brains to not rest enough Therefore, anyone who has a TV in the bedroom should move out. Or if you can’t move, you can’t find a veil when you go Will make you sleep better.


Many people like to sleep with their mobile phones. Probably not difficult to guess. Because the mobile phone is what we like to disturb our sleep the most Wake up symptoms when disturbed Some people will have a headache. Some people feel insufficient sleep. However, by being able to take the phone at least 3 to 5 meters away and gradually grow further. 

A pet

It’s a savvy topic for animal lovers’ hearts. It is very common to put a pet to bed in bed. But the research results of Mayo Clinic from the United States.  It found that people who sleep in the same bed as a pet suffer 10% of sleep problems. The reason is because of their cute pets May disturb or wake us in the middle of the night Therefore it is advisable to take them apart at bedtime.

mirrorThe last thing that is attached to the feng shui principle is a mirror. It is one of the things that we have been taught that absolutely must not be in the bedroom. Because it will make feng shui bad Or if really need to have a mirror in the bedroom Should turn the mirror away from the bed and when we sleep, we should not see the mirror. Because it will result in insomnia at night.

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