4 herbal teas to improve the digestive tract in the body.
4 herbal teas
Drinking some herbal teas can help improve the digestive tract in the body. If anyone has problems with indigestion and indigestion. These symptoms are common discomfort. For those who rarely eat fruits, vegetables or foods with fiber that help in various digestive systems. These problems will be gone. Try turning to try drinking tea, four herbs near these, see it help.
Drink herbal tea Eliminating bloating and indigestion problems
Fresh ginger tea Try using 1 tablespoon of crushed fresh ginger brewed in boiling water, let it sit for 5 minutes, strain the residue, let it cool. Take a sip after meals to help stimulate digestion and prevent food residue in the intestines. Until leading to accumulation And gas that causes bloating.
Peppermint tea, both rounded leaves, rounded leaves, and long leaf mint (Peppermint) all have properties as a cold medicine. Helps to extinguish the heat and expel the wind And menthol compounds in the essential oils of peppermint. Helps to recover from indigestion.
Try brewing 1-2 teaspoons fresh or dried mint leaves with boiling water. Leave it to cool, filter only drinking water 3 to 4 times a day, but this tea is not suitable for people suffering from reflux disease (GERD) because some substances in the mint leaves will further stimulate the disease.
Fennel seed tea Cumin is an herb that has properties to help excrete waste and cure anorexia The essential oil of fennel seeds reduces gas. Suppress intestinal spasms. And help kill germs as well Brew about 2 teaspoons of fennel seeds in a glass of hot water, sipping after meals, or chewing the seeds instead.
Cardamom Seed Tea The essential oil in cardamom seeds contains compounds such as camphor and pinene, which have antifungal activity. Reduces intestinal peristalsis and helps expel air. Brew 1 teaspoon of cardamom seeds with a glass of hot water and leave for 10 minutes. Drink between meals. Or it can be ground thoroughly before being brewed with warm water and filtered before drinking as well.
Hot tea from all four kinds of herbs in the kitchen may be another way to help you get comfortable from stomach bloating and indigestion.
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