Tagged: ufabet

Kimchi and precautions before eating.

Some people may know that kimchi is beneficial to the body. Helps add good bacteria to the intestines. Improves digestion efficiency But there are still some precautions to take when eating kimchi. Don’t forget that is a...

Benefits of Strawberries. 

Strawberries are not good, just fresh colors that make you want to taste it. But the benefits of this fruit can be called infinitely valuable. It is considered a fruit that health lovers deserve. 1. Help...

What are the benefits of pomegranates?

          The benefits of pomegranates are both healthy fruits. And the recipe for the treatment of disease anyway. The health benefits of pomegranate are as follows. 1. Rich in essential minerals for the body.           Pomegranate seeds have...

Avocados a good properties that I want to tell about.      

     Avocados have a lot of nutritional value that is beneficial to the body. Until it can be compared that Avocados are more nutritious than many fruits.  Properties of avocado as follows: 1. Avocados meat contains...

Vitamin E.

 Vitamin E, our body cannot make it by itself. must be obtained from food eaten only. And these fruits have a lot of vitamin E. Fruit is a food in the health food category. And we know...

Japanese Cheesecake

Japanese Cheesecake is another easy menu dish. That sweet lovers, Softer and more fluffy than New York Cheesecake, Not too sweet. Ingredient. Cream cheese (rested at room temperature) 300 g      Unsalted butter (rested at room...

High blood pressure.

High blood pressure increases your risk of developing heart disease, kidney disease, stroke. May not have any warning symptoms. Many patients come with complications. such as enlarged heart disease or ischemic heart disease, including – Brain. May cause a...

Pumpkin Brownies

Let’s start with how to make pumpkin brownies. New Year’s Gift Clean Dessert Recipe Oatmeal with Pumpkin Add sugar from stevia. Add intensity from cocoa powder. Add the option of sprinkled on top of the grains a bit. It can...

 Fried Sandwich with Cream Cheese.

     I’m bored of eating sandwiches often. Let’s fry it to change the taste, would it be good? Make a fried sandwich filled with cream cheese, cucumber, ham, carrots and scallions. Pair it with milk...

Mash Potatoes.

     Who’s looking for western food to be served alongside a plate of steak? Meet Mash Potatoes. Boil the potatoes until cook and mash them up. Season with salt.      100 grams of mashed potatoes...